We’re Making Progress. Now We Push; PR.2 and More…

The good news is that PR.2, the constitutional amendment to remove reference to remove reference to slavery from the constitution with the original purpose to “serve as a foundation for addressing systemic racism in our State’s laws and institutions” is moving forward
The bad news is that the version that they were attempting to pass out of committee last week shifted the intended purpose (in the Chair’s words) to “preserve our history as being the first state to eliminate slavery in its constitution, 1777, while getting rid of any ambiguity that may cause confusion to those reading it”. The language that they attempted to pass out last week was deeply disappointing. The process was flawed and the product would NOT have ensured that our constitution was clear about completely prohibiting slavery nor would it have served as a foundation for addressing systemic racism in Vermont. We stopped it and now we’re calling for public hearings and testimony during evening hours!
The 2017 Attorney General and Human Rights Commission Task Force on Act 54 Racial Disparities Report stated “While slavery has been outlawed in this country for over 150 years, the vestiges of it and of Jim Crow remain today in the form of systemic racism” Vermont has held some form of constitutional slavery longer than any state in US history! The Task Force Report concluded, “Addressing such a long-standing and complicated problem is incredibly challenging but doing nothing is not an option. We have done that for far too long with predictable results.”

Call and let them know that 242 years is long enough! Join us in our call for full public hearings and testimony during evening hours.
- Call the Sargent At Arms and leave a message: 802.828.2228
- Call the Committee room and leave a message: 802.228.2272
- Send the entire Committee a message: vermont-senate-government [email protected]
- Send the Chair of the Committee an email: [email protected]
- Call the Chair of the Committee: 802.387.4379
We are closing in on one week before crossover and because of the back-log in legislative council and our late start in submitting our “Change Vermont” solutions our bills have yet to be taken up. We believe that we can change that. In times like these there should be few things more important to legislators than:
Giving the Racial Equity director powers to accomplish his/her responsibilities.
Ask the Senate Government Operations Committee to take up S.120.
- Read our letter to the Committee
- Call the Sargent At Arms and leave a message: 802.828.2228
- Call the Committee room and leave a message: 802.228.2272
- Send the entire Committee a message: vermont-senate-government [email protected]
- Send the Chair of the Committee an email: [email protected]
- Call the Chair of the Committee: 802.387.4379
Adjusting and expanding the Human Rights Commission to equip them to adequately protect vulnerable Vermonters.
Ask the House Judiciary Committee to take up H.465.
- Read our letter to the Committee
- Call the Sargent At Arms and leave a message: 802.828.2228
- Call the Committee room and leave a message: 802.828.2257
- Send the entire Committee a message: [email protected]
- Send the Chair of the Committee an email: [email protected]
- Call the Chair of the Committee: 802.828.2228
Standardizing Law Enforcement use of force data collection, policy and training.
Ask Senate Judiciary to take up S.119 and House Government Operations, H.464.
- Read our letter to the Committees
- Call the Sargent At Arms and leave a message: 802.828.2228
- Call the Senate Committee room and leave a message:
- Senate Committee room: 802.828.2278
- House Committee room: 802.828.2267
- Send the entire Senate Committee a message:
- Senate Committee: [email protected]
- House Committee: [email protected]
- Send the Chair of the Committee an email
- Senate Chair: [email protected]
- House Chair: [email protected]
- Call the Chair of the Committee:
- Senate Chair: 802.828.2228
- House Chair: 802.828.2228
Establish a Reparations Task Force.
Ask House Government Operations to take take up H.478.
- Read our letter to the Committee
- Call the Sargent At Arms and leave a message: 802.828.2228
- Call the Committee room and leave a message: 802.828.2257
- Send the entire Committee a message: [email protected]
- Send the Chair of the Committee an email: [email protected]
- Call the Chair of the Committee: 802.828.2228
Mandate data collection throughout more of the justice system.
Ask House Judiciary to take up H.284.
- Read our letter to the Committee
- Call the Sargent At Arms and leave a message: 802.828.2228
- Call the Committee room and leave a message: 802.828.2257
- Send the entire Committee a message: [email protected]
- Send the Chair of the Committee an email: [email protected]https://legislature.vermont.gov/bill/status/2020/H.284
- Call the Chair of the Committee: 802.828.2228
Join us THIS EVENING at RAD, 241 North Winooski Avenue in Burlington from 6:00 till 9:00 as we continue the discussion, a refine our strategy and engage in some pre-cross-over planning and phone banking. The event Is here.
And don’t miss the Justice For All event as Mark Hughes presents Racial Justice Under Fire: The Racial Justice Backlash in Vermont…and what to do about it at RAD March 11, 2019 from 6:00 till 9:00.
Racial Justice Under Fire: The Racial Justice Backlash in Vermont…and What to do about it.
The Human Rights Commission recently reported, “a sharp increased” cases due to discrimination based on race, citing a trend of “more openly expressed animus against people of color. Was justice served to Kiah Morris in Bennington? (see more here).

Don’t forget about our ongoing #whoswatchingVTPD Campaign.
Mark Hughes,
Executive Director, Justice For All
Coordinator, Vermont Racial Justice Alliance
[email protected]
Click HERE to Donate
