Racial Justice Alliance Updates in November

The next Vermont Racial Justice Alliance meeting is Tuesday, November 12th from 5:30 till 6.30!
We will host a forum, “Making the Justice System work with Data” immediately following the meeting. Don’t miss our unveiling of the first Statewide Race Traffic Stop Data Dashboard at this forum! Find out more about these events here (and below).
Led by people of color, the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance consists of both individuals and organizations committed to the work of advocating, implementing and defending policy. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month, from 5:30 PM till 6:30 PM at the First Congregational Church, 38 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. People Of Color Steering Committee, Leadership Team Meetings are on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the same location. Go over to our NEWLY UPDATED Web Site and learn about the legislative agenda, all of the supporting forums and panels and how you can become a partner in the work. Take a look at our new calendar on the site to keep up with events as we plan them.

Making the Justice System Work With Data
Nov 12, 2019 6:30 PM til 8:30 PM First Congregational Church 38 South Winooski Ave., Burlington
Join a lecture and panel discussion on the origins and emergence of race data collection in the Vermont justice system. Panel one will discuss the early days of voluntary data collection by four agencies in Chittenden County and State Police. The second panel will discuss our current state and the proposed legislative approaches in data collection in the justice system for the future. H.284 is recommended for review prior to attending. Representative Colburn, Professor Stephanie Seguino, Christine Kemp Longmore, Wanda Hines and Skyler Nash are confirmed. We will be releasing the first Statewide Race Traffic Stop Dashboard in conjunction with this forum.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/148489238Meeting ID: 148 489 238One tap mobile
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The Facts About Slavery in Vermont
Nov 20, 2019
6:30 PM till 8:30 PM
First Congregational Church 38 South Winooski Ave., Burlington
Join us as we discuss “The Facts About Slavery In Vermont“. Most are starting to come to understand that the United States constitution has a loophole that has always permitted slavery “for the punishment of a duly convicted crime”. But what would you say if you discovered the Vermont State constitution contains a loophole of it’s own? Professor and Author, Harvey Amani Whitfield, Vermont Law School Constitutional Law Professor, Peter Teachout and former US Attorney and Author Gary Shattuck will be on panel to discuss the implications. We’ll update you on efforts underway to amend the constitution and more. PR.2 is recommended for review prior to attending. Peter Teachout, Harvey Amani Whitfield and Gary Shattuck are confirmed.

The Difficult and Complex Conversation about Systemic Racism
Nov 19
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Good Shephard Lutheran Church
273 VT-15, Jericho
Mark Hughes, Founder and Executive Director of Justice for All and Coordinator for the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance will discuss the definition and anatomy of systemic racism and the very real, tangible and persistent components of this system that continue to plague us as a nation today. Discussion on recommended actions follows.
Recommended Reading: Racist America: Roots, Current Realities and Future Reparations (4th Edition) by Joe R. Feagin and Kimberley Ducey.

Law Enforcement Use of Force Forum Part II
Nov 23, 20192:00 PM till 4:00 PM
Staples 861 Williston Road, South Burlington
Use of Force: How Much is Enough and How Do We Know it?
We’re continuing the discussion on Use of Force. Last month we covered origins, impacts and possible solutions. Now it’s time to pull our thoughts together.
From training to policy and data collection, this community forum will provide insight on Use of Force in policing In Vermont and share policy proposals to take us forward. S.119 or H.464 are recommended for review prior to attending.

People of Color Steering Committee Meeting
Nov 27
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
First Congregational Church
38 South Winooski Ave., Burlington

Reparations For Slavery in Vermont: Is that a Thing?
Dec 10, 2019
6:30 PM till 8:30 PM
First Congregational Church
38 South Winooski Ave., Burlington
As the national dialogue on reparations continues and despite the introduction of a slavery reparations bill in early 2019, law makers remain largely silent on the matter of reparations in Vermont. We’re advancing the discussion. To what extent does the harm done from slavery persist today? Is the appointment of a task force to examine an apology and reparations the appropriate solution? What are the hopes and fears of community and policy makers surrounding the prospect of such task force? There is allot to unpack and we’ll bring representatives from community, policy makers, clergy and activists together for the panel discussion. H.478 is recommended for review prior to attending.

The Racial Justice Alliance #ChangeVermont Legislative Agenda
Dec 18, 2019
6:30 PM till 8:30 PM
First Congregational Church
38 South Winooski Ave., Burlington
The Racial Justice Alliance presents #ChangeVermont, an agenda focused largely on continuing to dismantle systemic racism in Vermont. The Racial Justice Alliance and bill sponsors will present the full #ChangeVermont legislative agenda and priorities for 2020 in a public forum. Legislators are invited to join in on the community discussion. The Racial Justice Alliance Legislative Agenda is recommended for review prior to attending.