Systemic Racism Mitigation Bill Signed Into Law!

Systemic Racism Mitigation Bill Signed Into Law!

  On June 28 the Governor signed S.5, creating Act 9 of the Special Session. Act 9 is a landmark...

Executive Order 18-04: Undermining Systemic Racism Mitigation

Executive Order 18-04: Undermining Systemic Racism Mitigation

When the Governor vetoed S.281, issued Executive Order 18-04 He commented, “Importantly, to ensure the intent of the legislation is fulfilled without...

Post Resignation Letter From the Former Chair and Vice-Chair of the Racial Disparities in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System Advisory Panel

Post Resignation Letter From the Former Chair and Vice-Chair of the Racial Disparities in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System Advisory Panel

A report was released by the former Chair and Vice Chair of the Racial Disparities in the Criminal and Juvenile...

Former Chair and Vice Chair Response to Open Letter From Partners for Fairness and Diversity

Former Chair and Vice Chair Response to Open Letter From Partners for Fairness and Diversity

A report was released by the former Chair and Vice Chair of the Racial Disparities in the Criminal and Juvenile...

Open Letter to the Senate Pro Tempore and Senators White, Sears, Pollina, Cummings, Brooks and Ingram Regarding a Resolution Proposing the 2019 Senate Amend the Constitution to Remove Slavery

Open Letter to the Senate Pro Tempore and Senators White, Sears, Pollina, Cummings, Brooks and Ingram Regarding a Resolution Proposing the 2019 Senate Amend the Constitution to Remove Slavery

April 17, 2018 Mr President Pro Tempe, Peter, et. all,This inquiry went out over a month ago and I have...

We have 48 Hours to Make History – Please Ask Senate Appropriations to Fund S.281 and PASS it  out of Committee NOW!

We have 48 Hours to Make History – Please Ask Senate Appropriations to Fund S.281 and PASS it  out of Committee NOW!

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience, but where he stands in...

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Senate Government Operations Votes Out S.281 (5-0) – Next Stop, Senate Appropriations

Senate Government Operations Votes Out S.281 (5-0) – Next Stop, Senate Appropriations

“Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to work...

Equity Commission to Mitigate Systemic Racism Heating up in the House and Senate

Equity Commission to Mitigate Systemic Racism Heating up in the House and Senate

Senate Government Operations: PASS S.281 out of Committee as a FUNDED Independent Commission All, Please ask Senate Government Operations to pass S.281...

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