Progress through embracing true history and culture – Black folks who are descendants of enslaved people come from a rich and proud tradition. It is through experiences and adversity of our ancestors that we carry a DNA of power and resilience. It is our responsibility to learn and teach our history – true history and our traditions. It is our honor to celebrate and commemorate our history and our ancestors.
Ownership through agency and equity – Our is a journey from being property to one of owning property. Ownership of land and homes is the pathway to course correct a system that has intentionally deprived us of our right to gain and transfer wealth. It is our duty to ensure that we stop the generational curse of the transference of poverty to our children. Ownership of land, homes and business are our responsibility.
Wellness by replacing corrosive systems with systems of care – Racism is a public health emergency. Our wellness is at the epicenter of all we do and experience. We must consider every action taken to dismantle systemic racism as an act of enhancing our wellness. We will disrupt status quo systems and develop long-range strategies for black-led alternative approaches to create healthy outcomes. We will fight for wellness as if our lives depend upon it – because they do.
Economic empowerment, changing systems and moving money – There can be no change without a redistribution of political and economic power. We will not ask for what is already ours. We will build power by eliminating the obstacles designed to exclude us and empowering our people to gain the economic power from which we have been historically deprived. We must not only enter the market, we must create our own.
Relief from COVID-19 (future crisis) intentional attention – Like all national and global disasters, the impact of the systemic oppression of racism on our people has been amplified. We are the original essential workers. We created multigenerational living out of necessity. We protect one another in times of trouble when the system doesn’t. We hold folks accountable with stories, science and data. We are a resilient people and we’re not going anywhere.
We collaboratively develop and work to implement platforms, initiatives, and programs that serve to eradicate systemic racism at the state and local levels through acknowledgement, creation, and transformation.
We provide a variety of community forums, panels, and lectures to enable community members to gain an understanding of root causes, impact, and solutions for systemic racism; provide important input and perspective; leverage existing transformational resources; and become a part of the solution.
We provide statewide individual assistance and small business grants. We disrupt the status quo economic systems as we work to transform and create new. We advocate for, create, and manage programs to assist in personal empowerment and business creation. Additionally, we advocate for, create, and manage programs to assist personal and business development. We adovocate and support for land and home ownership.
We have annual programming on MLK, African American History Month, Juneteenth, First African Landing Day, and Kwanza. Other activities include events, forums, affinity spaces, and wellness spaces.